Safe Harbor Counseling, Coaching & Organizing services

A close up of two people holding hands

Couple’s Counseling

Couple's counseling, also known as couples therapy or marriage counseling, is a form of therapy...
A person sitting in the lotus position on the beach

Why practice gratitude?

Practicing gratitude is a powerful tool for enhancing overall well-being and cultivating a positive mindset....
A life preserver hanging on the side of a net.

Healing from depression

Healing from depression is a multifaceted journey that requires patience, self-compassion, and a combination of...
A close up of the word coach on a compass

Creating Personal Change

Personal change is a profound and often challenging journey that individuals embark on to transform...
A man riding on top of a wave in the ocean.

Navigating the Waves: A Guide to Managing Anxiety

In the ebb and flow of life, it's natural to encounter moments of stress and...